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It's nice to Meet You!

Hi! I am Maya Sujanto, a Senior in Babson College graduating in May 2023. I have a background in Business Analytics, Entrepeneurship, and Marketing – but my passion for learning has propelled me to own a diverse set of experiences and skillsets.

My professional experiences include analyzing potential investments for the Venture Capital arm of the 2nd largest SEA bank's portfolio, perform marketing analytics and design graphics for a Unicorn E-Commerce Start-Up, consulting for a global firm, and working as a Project Manager for a financial services and online banking company. I am passionate about Social Entrepreneurship and founded a non-profit organization to help provide education and home shelter for Indonesia's trash-picking community. I also launched a non-profit cosmetics business whose proceeds funded the childrens' tuition and construction of a library.

Maya Sujanto

An unwavering optimist and creative ideator who enjoys vibrant conversations!

Passionate about driving strategic results in my work, weaving stories through visual designs, and staying connected in the midst of a digital age. Let's connect, get coffee, and chat about our interests!